Do Good. Be Good.

Fitted Web Design proudly donates its services to organizations that are changing the world for the better.

Services for Nonprofits

  • Custom Website Design and Development
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Maintenance
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Brochure Sites (Marketing Sites), eCommerce, Membership Sites, Event Sites, and WordPress Multisite
  • Digital Hugs


Let’s be real. I’ve been around the volunteer block and I married an MPA, so I’m very aware that some of you operate the same as a mature business—budgets, healthcare packages, offices, etc. 

I also know that for some of you, “healthcare package” means hot chocolate and a hug. 

So, I donate my work pro bono to select nonprofits that interest me because I can. But, if your nonprofit has real money, let’s work out a scenario that makes sense for both of us.

Either way, I promise there’s no grant writing! Huzzah!


  1. We have a kick-off phone call to discuss your goals, timeline, budget, and project details
  2. I coach you on your content
  3. We settle on a look and feel
  4. I build the site
  5. We review and modify the site
  6. I teach you how to update the site on your own (optional)
  7. We launch the site and celebrate!
  8. I stay available for maintenance and updates

Get Started

Contact Kenny to Start Your Project Today

Please have ready: Your business-minded goals, timeline, budget, any special requirements or must-have functionality, and a few other websites you like (from any industry)

A Few Work Samples